Wednesday, May 18, 2011

"Scale-ing" Back

Not weighing myself is brutal!  To put it in perspective I have to just be honest and say that my scale is my crack!  Mind you, I have never done drugs, but I understand addiction.  And I am addicted to weighing myself. 

Yesterday morning when I weighed myself knowing it was the last time for 30 days I was OK.  As I put the scale away I was OK.  And completely against my normal routine of weighing several times a day; I did OK yesterday at not weighing myself the rest of the day.  But when I woke up this morning and walked in the bathroom...well lets just say that I now know what it must feel like to be "jonesing"....I had a HUGE battle in my head.  Thoughts like, OK, get the scale out, jump on it and then put it back.  No one is here, who will know if I don't tell them....and I went so far as getting the scale out, putting it on the floor and standing there staring at it!  What is wrong with me!?  I can resist cheesecake, pizza, french fries and milkshakes!  But a scale that pisses me off most of the time has some unnatural hold on me!  I am proud to say I did not get on it!  I put it back away!  BUT I have thought about it several more times this morning and I have come to the conclusion that it has to leave my house! 

I realize to most this sounds ridiculous!  It's a's weighing myself.  I understand that people battle real, debilitating addictions.  And to most this seems petty and laughable!  But please understand we all have things in life that hold us back.  We all fight battles every single day.  Not all of those battles are life threatening, but they do threaten to destroy parts of us.  Weighing myself may not take my life...but it takes my control and it takes away from my ability to be successful! 

So, today the scale is leaving my house!  I know am strong and at some point I want to prove that I am strong enough to overcome my temptation even when it lies on the floor in front of me.  BUT I am also smart enough to know when that is not possible! 

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